Общество физиологов растений России
03 февраля, 2023

Новости науки и практики // Февраль 2023

Новости науки и практики // Февраль 2023

A phosphoinositide hub connects CLE peptide signaling and polar auxin efflux regulation

Wang et al. show that rheostat polarity is independent of PIN polarity, but interdependent with PIP5K. Catalytically inactive PIP5K confers rheostat polarity without reinforcing its localization, revealing a possible PIP5K scaffolding function. Moreover, PIP5K and PAX cooperatively control local PIN abundance. They further find that CLE45-BAM3 signaling branches via RLCK-VII/PBS1-LIKE (PBL) cytoplasmic kinases to destabilize rheostat localization.



Rewiring of hormones and light response pathways underlies the inhibition of stomatal development in an amphibious plant Rorippa aquatica underwater
In general, underwater leaves of amphibious plants are devoid of stomata, yet their molecular regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. Using the emerging model of the Brassicaceae amphibious species Rorippa aquatica, Ikematsu et al. lay the foundation for the molecular physiological basis of the submergence-triggered inhibition of stomatal development. A series of temperature shift experiments showed that submergence-induced inhibition of stomatal development is largely uncoupled from morphological heterophylly and likely regulated by independent pathways.



Botany: Chloroplast from the father

Under cold conditions, not only the mother plant but also the father plant can pass on its chloroplasts to the offspring



New perspectives on the molecular mechanisms of stress signalling by the nucleotide guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp), an emerging regulator of photosynthesis in plants and algae
The nucleotides guanosine tetraphosphate and guanosine pentaphosphate (together (p)ppGpp) are found in a wide range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms where they are associated with stress signalling. Mehrez et al. discuss recent research highlighting the role of (p)ppGpp signalling as a conserved regulator of photosynthetic activity in the chloroplasts of plants and algae, and the latest discoveries that open up new perspectives on the emerging roles of (p)ppGpp in acclimation to environmental stress.



MYB12 is part of a feedback loop regulating cell division orientation in the root meristem vasculature
Wybouw et al. use a forward genetic approach to identify new factors of the TMO5/LHW pathway, we discovered a novel function of the MYB-type transcription factor MYB12. MYB12 physically interacts with TMO5 and dampens the TMO5/LHW-mediated induction of direct target gene expression as well as the periclinal/radial cell divisions. The expression of MYB12 is activated by the cytokinin response, downstream of TMO5/LHW, resulting in a novel MYB12-mediated negative feedback loop that restricts TMO5/LHW activity to ensure optimal cell proliferation rates during root vascular development.



Stabilization of membrane topologies by proteinaceous remorin scaffolds
In plants, the topological organization of membranes has mainly been attributed to the cell wall and the cytoskeleton. Additionally, few proteins, such as plant-specific remorins have been shown to function as protein and lipid organizers. Root nodule symbiosis requires continuous membrane re-arrangements, with bacteria being finally released from infection threads into membrane-confined symbiosomes. Su et al. found that mutations in the symbiosis-specific SYMREM1 gene result in highly disorganized perimicrobial membranes



New species of microalgae discovered

Ultrasmall microalgae found in home aquarium could have multiple useful applications

A new species of microalgae was found in water from a home aquarium. While analyzing DNA samples taken from the algae, researchers discovered Medakamo hakoo, whose DNA sequence didn't match any on record. This new species is the smallest known freshwater green algae, with inherent qualities which enable it to be cultured stably at high density, meaning it could be effectively used to produce useful products for food and industry.



Genetic assimilation of ancestral plasticity during parallel adaptation to zinc contamination in Silene uniflora
Wood et al. investigated the contribution of ancestral plasticity to adaptive evolution of gene expression in two independently evolved lineages of zinc-tolerant Silene uniflora. They found that the general pattern of reversion is driven by the absence of a widespread stress response in zinc-adapted plants compared with zinc-sensitive plants.



Mycorrhiza: An Ecofriendly Bio-Tool for Better Survival of Plants in Nature
This review briefly highlights the taxonomic co-evolution, factors affecting mycorrhizal behaviors (phytohormonal regulation), and the concise mechanistic approach (improved water status, photosystems, stomatal conductance, ionic uptake, C & N fixation) to combat various environmental stresses (biotic/abiotic).



Establishment of cell transcriptional identity during seed germination
Liew et al. describe a temporal analysis of the germinating Arabidopsis embryo at single-cell resolution. They define the highly dynamic cell-type specific patterns of gene expression and how these relate to changing cellular function as germination progresses. Underlying these are unique gene regulatory networks and transcription factor activity. They unexpectedly discover that most embryo cells transition through the same initial transcriptional state early in germination, after which cell-type specific gene expression is established.



Cellulose synthesis in land plants
Pedersen et al. provide a comprehensive overview of the structure, function, and regulation of the cellulose synthesis machinery and its regulatory interactors.



Sugar signaling modulates SHOOT MERISTEMLESS expression and meristem function in Arabidopsis
In plants, development of all above-ground tissues is controlled by the shoot apical meristem (SAM) which balances cell proliferation and differentiation to allow life-long growth. To maximize fitness and survival, meristem activity is adjusted to the prevailing conditions through a poorly understood integration of developmental signals with environmental and nutritional information. Lopes et al. show that sugar signals influence SAM function by altering the protein levels of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM), a key regulator of meristem maintenance.



How plants are inspiring new ways to extract value from wastewater

Scientists are drawing inspiration from plants to develop new techniques to separate and extract valuable minerals, metals and nutrients from resource-rich wastewater.



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